i was messing with my router settings because my xbox live wouldnt connect.
on my ipv6 menu there was like 6 choices.
---automatically obtain ip address
---use the following ipv6 address
-subnet prefix length
-default gateway
-obtain dns server automtaically
-use the following dns server addresses
-preferred dns server
-alternate dns server
before i messed with it, it had manual settings and it had ip's.
but i changed the choice to automatically obtain ipv6 address and the dns server.
so it got rid of those numbers that were originally there.
and i dont remember those numbers.
how do i get the original numbers back?
because im trying to hook up to xbox live and now it wont connect at all.
so i have a feeling its because i messed with the ipv6 settings.
Tcp/ipv6 urgent help please asap?
you should take note first the setting before you change it. There is no way you can get back those setting unless you are the one who first set up your router. You only assign obtain if there is DHCP server. In your case we do not know if your modem DHCP is enabled. If it is enabled then obtain will work but if not you need to assign the IP within the range of the IP pool configured in your modem...Try to connect your PC directly to your modem then set up your PC to obtain and then try to command ipconfig. If you get IP add then your modem DHCP is enabled and configuring your router to obtain should have no problem...good luck...jexter@eastern.com.ph