Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Internet protocol tcp/ipv6 help please?

i was messing with my router settings because my xbox live wouldnt connect.

on my ipv6 menu there was like 6 choices.

---automatically obtain ip address

---use the following ipv6 address

-subnet prefix length

-default gateway

-obtain dns server automtaically

-use the following dns server addresses

-preferred dns server

-alternate dns server

before i messed with it, it had manual settings and it had ip's.

but i changed the choice to automatically obtain ipv6 address and the dns server.

so it got rid of those numbers that were originally there.

and i dont remember those numbers.

how do i get the original numbers back?

because im trying to hook up to xbox live and now it wont connect at all.

so i have a feeling its because i messed with the ipv6 settings.
Internet protocol tcp/ipv6 help please?
Check the router documentation, if you lost it you may be able to find a copy on-line at the manufacturer's web site. They often have a hard reset option (push a recessed button in for 5 seconds or something like that) to reset factory defaults.

Next check with your service provider - if you have a cable modem then contact the cable company's support number. They should be able to tell you what settings you need to connect via their service.