i have tried like this way:
#service NetworkManager stop
#sudo chkconfig NetworkManager off
#sudo chkconfig network on
manually static ip is put
left subnet mask,gateway then change to route tab
and ip address netmask(prefix),gateway address is put
then change to dns tab to put address of DNS server
check the box %26quot;Activate device when computer starts%26quot;
saved the settings then in the terminal i wrote
#sudo service network restart
#sudo chkconfig network on
but when i called up eth0 card
last line shows %26quot;Invalid arguement%26quot;
and i cont access my internet.so pls help me out of this.
i am very much confused.so whatever u will tell tell me step by step pls.hurry.
How to configure internet in Fedora 10 using static ip?
This link might help: