Friday, 16 September 2011

Setting up a Static IP address?

HELP. How do i set up a static ip address? O.S Vista ultimate. Apparently i need one to down load bit torrent data when using U torrent. I have set this up once already and it was working fine up until yesterday and i have had to put it back to a dynamic address. I have opened up a port in my router fire wall and got all of the settings i need (DNS,Sub net, mask, ip address %26amp; default gate way). However, when i change my options from dynamic ip and enter the settings obtained from the router, it tells me there is an ip address conflict and that another computer on my network has the same address, but i only own one computer! I have tried to follow the instructions on a web sight i found, but it still will not work. I really need an idiots guide from step 1 please!!!
Setting up a Static IP address?
Have you entered the routers IP address as the same as the computer. Usually the. router address is (the specific address depends on the make of the router. Each computer added is then given the next address up e.g. and so on. If you have assigned the computer the same address as the router then you would get this message.